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Artist embraces feel-good colour

19 Apr 2017

Artist Alice Berry uses feel-good Resene colour in her vibrant artworks. From Tauranga, but now based in Auckland, she tells us more about her pieces. 

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work?

As a graphic designer, illustrator and artist I've always loved making art and colour. Since I was little, I've always painted in my spare time for fun so I thought why not actually put a collection together! I love using colour, making things bright and a bit different. The Resene paints I use are vibrant, fun and feel-good colours. These artworks are inspired by my thoughts, feelings and experiences.

How did you get into working with Resene paints?

I LOVE the colours Resene makes and love painting with them. The paint is a good thick and vibrant paint which is perfect for my style. There are also so many colours so it's really fun mixing and matching.

What inspires the subject matter and style of your paintings?

I don't paint everyday, just when I feel a hit of inspiration. So sometimes that means I've been somewhere cool in nature that day or the sun is shining and I'm feeling extra creative. Then I kind of just go for it and try to represent those feelings. My illustration style uses very clean lines so I love painting in an abstract style to let loose a little and do something different.

Dancing Auroras

Secret Garden

And the colour use?

I use colours to try and provoke emotion. Mainly happy emotions!

Do you have a favourite colour, and why is it your favourite?

Resene Cosmos! It's my favourite colour for evoking happiness. When you combine it with Resene Rice Cake and Resene White Thunder it makes a really smoothing result.

It's such a pretty, gentle pink and I feel like it represents my inner workings pretty well. I also love space, so it's name is awesome, too.

For more of Alice's work, see Alice is pictured at Iko Iko, which stocks a lot of her work. 

Published: 19 Apr 2017