Andrew and Paula's Green House
Published: 22 Mar 2012
Do you have a home full of wonderful Resene paint and colour? Send us some snaps by emailing [email protected].
Soft colours for a striking new home

Andrew and Paula's Taranaki home was once a modest 1920s farm cottage. They bought it in 1997, attracted by the location, and lived in it for 10 years before asking Tony Biesiek of Imagine Design to turn the one-level, two-bedroom bungalow into a two-level contemporary design. The result won first place in the Alterations and Additions category at the 2011 National ADNZ Awards.
What did your home look like before the renovation? A cute seaside bach with lots of colour. The exterior was painted turquoise and it had front and back decks.
What did you want to achieve with the renovation? We wanted a sustainable, future-proofed contemporary house, encompassing sea, mountain and urban views.
Where did your inspiration come from? Travel abroad. Love of art. Other family homes.
What was the biggest challenge? Choosing colours and lighting.
What was the greatest success? The use of locally sourced timber ceilings and beams throughout the living areas, with bamboo flooring to complement.
Which space do you get your greatest satisfaction from? The outdoor living room/deck, which enables outdoor living on the upper level of the house. It is snugly sheltered from the elements.
What is your advice for someone trying to achieve a similar look? Do your research, use samples, be confident in your choices and stick with them.
What colours did you use? We used Resene Spanish Green in the dining area and lounge, Resene Lemon Grass in the entrance foyer, and Resene Tea in the kitchen and living area and stairwell. We had used Resene Tea before and liked the look. All of the colours we used go well with lots of other colours. They are natural colours that go well with the sustainable timbers used throughout the house.
What are you planning to do next? Install more solar panels to reduce living costs.
pictures Architectural Specifier: Tony Biesiek at Imagine Design Get the look: Interesting paint colours are an easy way to complement natural timber and bring life to a colour scheme. Natural timbers used inside your home should always be coated to protect them against dirt, dust and general wear and tear. Choose a clear finish like Resene Qristal Polyurethane or Resene Aquaclear. If your timber is looking a little washed out, consider applying a stain finish first, such as Resene Colorwood, to restore the colour then overcoat with your chosen clear finish. Resene Colorwood will add colour to the timber while still allowing the natural grain to show through, so is a good option for rejuvenating the old interior timber in houses or adding more interest to dull, washed-out or discoloured timber.
Welcome home

Resene Lemon Grass gives the entrance foyer a fresh appeal.
The great outdoors

Andrew and Paula's favourite space is the upstairs deck, which has been designed to enable outdoor living on the upper level of the house, and take advantage of the views.
To the point

Resene Spanish Green has been chosen to complement the timber ceilings in the lounge.
Water and stone

The bathroom features soft colours in keeping with the rest of the the house.
New heights

From old farm cottage to award-winning modern home.

Resene Spanish Green

Resene Spanish Green
the look
If you're stuck on what
colour to use or need colour
advice, try out the Resene
Ask a Colour Expert service.

Resene Spanish Green

Resene Spanish Green
the look
If you're stuck on what
colour to use or need colour
advice, try out the Resene
Ask a Colour Expert service.