Paint pots to help feed those in need
07 Feb 2024
It’s that time of year again when all over the country you can visit Resene ColorShops (NZ) and donate cans of food in exchange for Resene paint testpots.
Now entering its 10th year, the Resene Hunger for Colour food fundraiser gives you the chance to donate food and help vulnerable families in your community by swapping two cans of food for a 60mL or 80mL testpot of Resene paint.
In February, you can swap up to 14 cans of food for seven Resene testpots, with all cans donated at Resene stores given to local Salvation Army foodbanks.
The value of a testpot is up to $6.50 and the campaign runs until 29 February.
In nine years, this annual fundraiser has helped put more than 300,000 cans on foodbank shelves and seen Resene donate over $1,500,000 worth of paint.
Salvation Army Territorial Director of Community Ministries Jono Bell says this time of year is a challenge for Salvation Army foodbanks with increased demand, at a time when our shelves are low in stock post-Christmas.
“At the beginning of the year many of our foodbanks find themselves with bare shelves and need to re-stock to provide families with food. When food stocks are low, our centres really appreciate the arrival of Hunger for Colour at this time of year knowing the cans will start coming in.”
In 2023, The Salvation Army provided more than 80,000 food parcels to New Zealanders struggling to put food on the table.
“We are so grateful for the ongoing generosity by ordinary Kiwis shown through Resene Hunger for Colour. Being able to rely on Resene each year really makes a difference in helping ensure families don’t go hungry,” says Jono.
“This campaign is particularly helpful as there is a Resene ColorShop almost everywhere we have a foodbank. Knowing that we can restock our shelves with food to share with those in need is wonderful and an amazing way to start the year.”
Resene Marketing Manager Karen Warman says “The campaign has generated so much fantastic feedback over the past nine years and we’re delighted to be able to help our fellow Kiwis. Decorators love that they are donating something tangible that will help someone in need in their local community while giving them a chance to get creative with Resene testpots,” says Ms Warman.
The Hunger for Colour campaign is a yearly highlight for craft and community groups, especially the popular rock painting groups, who eagerly anticipate the chance to restock and choose new colours. It’s also very popular with renovators as it provides the chance to try out multiple decorating colours for the cost of two food cans. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
Visit your local Resene ColorShop today to support this good cause.
Published: 07 Feb 2024