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Resene Mural Masterpieces Competition: the winners
11 Dec 2014
Each year Resene is approached by a wide variety of groups creating murals. With most of this dedicated effort receiving only local community attention, Resene runs a Resene Mural Masterpieces Competition each year so that we can all enjoy the works that are created, no matter where they are. A wide variety of entries are loaded onto the Resene website into the Resene mural gallery.
Entries were judged on a range of factors including creativity, composition, team involvement (where appropriate), fit with the location and uniqueness.
The winners were:
Best School Mural–Primary:
1st Place: Puni Primary School.
2nd Place: Waikawa Bay School.
2nd= Place: Waiau School
3rd= Place: Ahipara School.
3rd= Place: Mangonui Primary School.
Highly Commended: Mangere Central School, and Browns Bay Primary School.
Best School Mural–Senior:
1st Place: Napier Girls’ High School.
2nd Place: Solway College.
3rd Place: Havelock North Intermediate School.
Highly Commended: Muritai School, and Wellsford School.
Best Community Mural:
1st Place: Te Kura Takawaenga o Kaikohe
Best Professional Mural:
1st Place: Darina Cincurova for 35 Degrees mural.
2nd Place: Andrew Price for Central Otago Waste Busters mural.
3rd Place: Marc Spijkerbosch and Anthony June for the Porirua City
Council Cannons Creek mural.
Best Mural Design–Mural Designed But Not Yet Painted:
1st Place: Andrew Price for Cromwell mural.
2nd Place: Bill Malpress for Christchurch Public Library mural.
3rd Place: Nerolie Eyles-Clements for YKids mural Nelson.
Published: 11 Dec 2014