To paint or paper?
Not so long ago if anyone had suggested you wallpaper your walls, you would have thought they were mad. Wallpaper was an old-fashioned concept best left to those who had dodgy walls to cover (wallpaper is great at covering dinged walls).
How times have changed. Wallpaper is now at the forefront of fashion, helped along by new printing technologies that deliver not only hyper-real effects and vivid colour but also incorporate textures, sheen and other effects. A recent Resene wallpaper collection even had a sand-like substance. The new flock, maybe?
If you’re after a more dramatic backdrop, digital printing allows for stunning photo-murals to use as a feature wall.
Wallpaper has become another tool in the decorators’ bag of tricks. It certainly hasn’t elbowed out paint. There are many of us who dream of nothing else than a velvety expanse of delicious single colour. If your furniture, furnishings and accessories are meant to be the hero of your scheme, paint is a great solution for its ability to deliver a plain background, even if it is in quite a strong colour.
Or you can use paint to create a wallpaper-like effect – geometric shapes, stripes, blocks of colour or more complex paint effects.
Then, of course, there are anaglypta wallpapers, used to add pattern and texture, which you can paint over with whatever paint colour you desire.
See more examples here.
Here are some of our favourite paint and paper looks this season.
Published: 01 Feb 2018
Do you have a home full of wonderful Resene paint and colour? Send us some snaps by emailing [email protected].
If you prefer paint over paper, take your cue from this subtle ombre wall, created using a colourwash technique with Resene Half Raven, Resene Grey Chateau, Resene Double Concrete and Resene Half Concrete. We love its dreamy effect.
Wendy Fenwick. Styling by Claudia Kozub.
We're seeing a lot of florals in this year's wallpaper trends. Go modern by picking floral wallpaper with a moody background to it, like this wallpaper (code gp5900) available from Resene ColorShops. Colour match the furniture for a polished look, such as Resene Blumine on the dresser.
Paint or wallpaper? For this look, you could go either way. Get the look with black and white wallpaper (code 377133), available from Resene ColorShops. Or, paint the walls in a deep black, such as Resene All Black, and create a similar pattern of stripes in a complementary Resene white.
Mason handcrafted wallpaper from Resene gives you the choice of mixing up the pattern and the Resene paint colours you want, made to order. This is one of the Mason designs in the new collection, featuring poppies painted in Resene Gold Dust metallic and Resene Nero. See more from the collection here.
There's so much to love about a dramatic block of colour in the home, and this is where paint is a perfect fit. Resene Zinzan coats the feature wall in this living room, with a duskier Resene Biscay (bottom) and Resene Half Dusted Blue (top) in the hall behind. The floor is painted in Resene Chalk Dust.
Go big or go home? If that's your attitude to interior decorating, you'll love the hyper-real Komar Into Illusions collection, available from Resene ColorShops. Once again playing on the popular trend of florals, you'll feel like you're right in the garden with this pretty wallpaper (code 8-736).
Resene Half Raven
Resene Half Raven
Resene Chalk Dust
Resene Chalk Dust
Resene Grey Chateau
Resene Grey Chateau
Resene Double Concrete
Resene Double Concrete
Resene Biscay
Resene Nero
Resene All Black
Resene All Black
Resene Zinzan
Resene Blumine
Resene Blumine
Resene Gold Dust
Resene Gold Dust
Resene Half Concrete
Resene Half Concrete
the look
If you're stuck on what
colour to use or need colour
advice, try out the Resene
Ask a Colour Expert service.
Resene Half Raven
Resene Half Raven
Resene Chalk Dust
Resene Chalk Dust
Resene Grey Chateau
Resene Grey Chateau
Resene Double Concrete
Resene Double Concrete
Resene Biscay
Resene Nero
Resene All Black
Resene All Black
Resene Zinzan
Resene Blumine
Resene Blumine
Resene Gold Dust
Resene Gold Dust
Resene Half Concrete
Resene Half Concrete
the look
If you're stuck on what
colour to use or need colour
advice, try out the Resene
Ask a Colour Expert service.