ArchitectureNow’s On the Rise with Resene Series: Renée Williamson
15 Mar 2021
ArchitectureNow’s On the Rise series with Resene puts young designers around the country in the spotlight.
They recently interviewed Renée Williamson, a graduate at Arthouse Architects in Nelson. Renée also works with Emerge, the NZIA’s group for graduates and emerging designers, sits on the Institute's board as National Graduate and Emerging Practitioner Director and has coordinated the Festival of Architecture in the Nelson/Marlborough region for the last few years. She shares how her strong links to place and passion for well-designed public space guide her design process, the rise of regional architecture and the importance of community in both.
Renée’s mood board features Resene Oregon, Resene Hot Toddy, Resene Quarter Karaka, Resene Triple White Pointer and Resene Wallpaper Collection 47150.
Read Renée’s full interview here or catch up on past interviews on the ArchitectureNow website.
images Victoria Vincent
Published: 15 Mar 2021