Bean there, hung that: DIY coffee cup holder
06 Aug 2024
Whether you’re running out of space for all your mugs or just want to show off your best collection of coffee cups, this DIY cup holder is both stylish and functional. It also doesn’t take up any extra bench or cupboard space – because it’s conveniently on the wall! We used stylish neutrals to blend in with our neutral colour scheme, but you can go as colourful as you like. Grab your favourite Resenetestpot shades and get creative!
You will need:
- 1x piece of pine which is 57cm in length and 6cm wide and 2cm thick
- 1x piece of pine which is 60cm in length and 14cm in height and 2cm thick
- Wooden letters to spell COFFEE
- Wood glue
- Large black screw in hooks
- Testpot brush
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Drop saw or jigsaw
- Resene testpots in your chosen shades. We used Resene Black and Resene Tea
Step 1: Mark your wood pieces with pencil ready to cut. You will need five pieces of pine at 9.5cm in width and 14cm in height, and one piece which is 10.5cm in width (this is for the letter O as it is the bigger letter). Using a drop saw or jigsaw cut your wood pieces and give the ends a light sand.
Step 2: Paint your wooden pieces in two coats of your chosen Resene colour. We used Resene Tea.
Step 3: Paint the COFFEE letters in your other chosen colour. We used two coats of Resene Black for a nice contrast. Remember to allow dry time between coats.
Step 4: Glue each wooden block to the next block slightly staggering them (some up, some down).
Step 5: Glue your letters onto the wood pieces using wood glue.
Step 6: Turn the glued wooden blocks so they are face down and glue the other piece of pine across the back of the glued blocks and attach the flat hanging picture hooks to the back.Then, screw in the black hooks under each letter.
Step 7: Hang on the wall in your kitchen, add your cups and enjoy your next cup of hot goodness!
Wall painted in Resene Rice Cake.
project Vanessa Nouwens
image Bryce Carleton
Published: 06 Aug 2024