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Lightbulb moment

07 Mar 2025

Create a striking, modern desk lamp by repurposing a sturdy wooden coat hanger, painted in your favourite Resene testpot paint colour or Resene Colorwood stain. It’s a simple project that can brighten up any home office, kid’s homework zone or craft shed while adding a spark of personality. Paint the coat hanger or base in a block colour or add a simple design like polka dots or flowers.

You will need:

·       Block of wood for the base, we recommend Rimu or radiata pine: 170mm (w) x 40mm (h) x 90mm (d)

·       Wooden block to make hinge: 30mm (w) x 60mm (h) x 45mm (d)

·       Sander

·       A wooden coat hanger

·       USB light

·       Drill with 10mm drill bit

·       10mm x 45mm doweling

·       2x washers to stabilise the hanger with 10mm centre holes

·       3x screw eye hooks

·       PVA glue

·       Resene testpots. We used Resene Undercover and Resene Blanc.

·       Resene Aquaclear satin


Step 1

Cut the base block 170mm (w) x 40mm (h) x 90mm (d) and sand all edges and surfaces. Wipe off the sanding dust with a damp cloth.

Stain the base block with Resene Aquaclear satin.  If you prefer a higher sheen finish you could use Resene Aquaclear semi-gloss or gloss instead.

To make the wooden hinge, round off the edge of the 30mm (w) x 60mm (h) x 45mm (d) piece of wood.

In the centre of the wooden hinge block at the rounded off end, cut an inlet to fit the thickness of the hanger (about 40mm x 16mm).

Step 2

Drill a 10mm hole horizontally through the hinge and hanger for the doweling at the point you would like the hanger to pivot from.

On the base block, drill a 10mm wide hole about 25mm deep where you would like the hinge to sit. Also, drill a 10mm hole in the centre of the wooden hinge from the base of the inlet for the doweling to go vertically through it and connect with the base block.

Put a drop of PVA glue into the hole in the base block of wood, then push a dowel into the hole. Next place a small amount of PVA glue around the dowel that is left proud of the base block. Slide the hinge onto this dowel and thoroughly wipe away any excess glue. Leave to dry.

To connect the hanger to the hinge, line up washers either side of the hole in the hanger and slide them all into the inlet. Thread a dowel through the holes in the wooden hinge, washers and the hole in the hanger. You can place a small amount of PVA glue on the outer edge of the wooden hinge hole but be careful not to place so much that the glue seeps through to the washers and the hanger as you want them to be able to be moved.

Step 3

Attach the cord of the lamp with screw eye hooks under the hanger and feed the cord through the gap near the hinge.

Paint with your favourite Resene testpots. We used Resene Undercover on the hanger and Resene Blanc on the wooden hinge.

Background and vase painted in Resene Quarter Powder Blue, coat hanger in Resene Undercover, Resene Blanc and Resene Aquaclear Satin and table in Resene Blanc.

Top tips:

·       For a little extra glamour, use Resene FX Metallic paint for the hanger for a metallic finish that will help reflect the light.

·       Paint on a pattern or use Resene FX Paint Effects to create a two tone effect.  Mix Resene FX Paint Effects with a second paint colour and sponge or random brush it on.

·       If you prefer a more natural look wood finish, stain or stain wash all of your coat hanger light with Resene Colorwood stain or one of the Resene Colorwood We Speak Beach stain wash finishes.

project: Ivan Moses

stylist: Megan Harrison-Turner

images: Bryce Carleton

Published: 07 Mar 2025