![Article Photo](/assets/15-Dec-22/Photo-1__FillMaxWzgwMCw2MDBd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDI0MCw3MiwiQm90dG9tUmlnaHQiLDIyMDg3XQ.jpg)
Make your own hand-painted gift wrap
14 Dec 2022
Give a 110 ‘present’ on your gifts this year by making your own wrapping paper. Your loved ones will appreciate the extra effort and you will have gifts will certainly stand out under the tree. You can make any pattern you want, but these Santa hands are very fun and if you have children around to help they will enjoy getting their hands messy and colourful!
What you’ll need:
- Brown wrapping/packaging paper
- Paintbrushes, including thin craft paintbrushes
- A willing hand!
- Resene testpot paint colours of your choice, Fleur used Resene White, Resene Poppy, Resene Black, Resene Drop Dead Gorgeous and Resene Awaken
Step 1: Use a paintbrush to paint Resene White on to a willing hand and make hand prints on to a sheet of brown wrapping paper.
Step 2: Flip the paper around so that the hand prints are facing down. Once the paint has dried, use a small paintbrush to paint on a hat shape on top of each hand print with Resene Poppy. Add a ‘pompom’ on the end of the hat with more Resene White.
Step 3: Use a very thin paintbrush and some Resene Black to add on a fluffy trim to the hat, eyes, glasses and a mouth.
Step 4: Finish by adding on a rosy nose with Resene Drop Dead Gorgeous and use your index finger to smudge on some cheeks with Resene Awaken.
Step 5: Cut if needed and wrap your gifts ready to put under the tree or hand over on Christmas Day. Wall painted in Resene Dark Knight.
project and images Fleur Thorpe
Published: 14 Dec 2022