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Mural Masterpieces 2021 winners: Cool colourful schools

10 Feb 2022

Murals can be important, transformative pieces of art for communities. They can draw attention to particular topics or simply breathe colour and life into otherwise bland buildings or forgotten corners.

Every year Resene is approached by a wide variety of schools and community groups which are creating murals, which led to the creation of the ReseneMuralMasterpieces. Each year we run the ReseneMuralMasterpieces competition to shine a light on the incredible creativity of these community projects around the country.

Murals are judged on their creativity, uniqueness, the impact they have on their surroundings and the general finish and style.

Here are the showstopping winners - and runners up - from the 20201 Mural Masterpieces competition.

Best Primary School Mural

This mural by Paeroa Central School students with artist Claire du Bosky, took first place in the Primary Schools category. The murals celebrate the names of four local rivers chosen by pupils, staff and whanau to represent the school’s new house names, connecting them to Hauraki, their tūrangawaewae.

Second place went to Normandale School in Lower Hutt, with third place to Parawai School in Thames.

Best Senior School Mural

Hillcrest High School took out the top spot in the Senior School Category with this stunning work by student Grace Ma on a public facing wall of the school buildings. The theme of Grace’s mural is whenua, and the importance of appreciating and protecting our environment. “I wanted to express that both the Māori  culture in NZ (Papatūānuku and NZ's many native species must be protected. The flying Kereru represents how we will soar above the skies if we come together as one nation to protect our environment.”

Second and third place in the category went to St Anne’s Catholic School in Manurewa and Pukenui School in Waikato

Best Community Mural

A set of rainbow wings, perfect for selfies, amongst koru designs, in bold colours, helped Eketahuna take first place in the Best Community Mural category for their vibrant makeover of the local swimming pool building.

Local artists Katie McGrerer and David Williamson were commissioned by the Eketahuna Our Town committee to create an eye catching mural that would be a great backdrop for the neighbouring playground.

Greerton Village School in Tauranga took second place in the category, with Little River Tennis Courts in Canterbury third.

Best professional mural

A stunning celebration of local flora and fauna on the side of Kaikoura Playcentre is the winner of the Professional Mural category.

Painted by local artists Mary and Greg Ashwell of Atawera Art highlights the relationship Kaikoura Playcentre has to the local cultural, historical and environmental features of the area. The mural was designed to encourage the beautification of Kaikoura and to complement a cultural garden that is being developed.

A mural at Betty Mongford Kindergarten in Levin was placed second in the professional category with the Central Hawkes Bay’s Argyll East Playgroup mural in third.

Best Mural Design

Resene’s Mural Masterpieces competition also includes a category for the best design that isn’t yet painted which went to Sarka Cibulcova who is based in Otago - so keep an eye out for that one.

Readmorehere, for full details on winners, place-getters and other highly commended entries in the 2021 Mural Masterpieces competition.

Published: 10 Feb 2022